Day 16: Human interaction
Having pushed the extra miles yesterday, today’s agenda was a lighter 20 miles. A girl from the town of Joshua Tree offered to bring me water (gotta love Facebook groups) since no potable water in the park, except at its entrances. She stopped by shortly after 7 to deliver water for the day and even was dropping off another gallon near where I planned to camp tonight. Her help broke up what would have been an 70 mile waterless stretch.
Shortly after she left, a sprinter van pulled into my campsite to inquire if I was leaving. I said I was and then after quick introductions, I offered to make coffee. David was in his mid-30s, a veteran, and recently finished doing contract medical work in Iraq for the military. He’d traveled the world and we instantly connected sharing stories. I was eager for the convo having spent the last 15 days primarily alone. David offered me smoked salmon he cured himself and it was delicious. Legit tasted like candy. Before parting ways, he was even able to get out a troublesome thorn in my hand I’d been unable to remove.
I left camp at 9:30. Late by my standards, but it was worth it. I began hiking along the California Hiking and Riding trail until meeting Park Blvd that will take me into the town of Joshua Tree tomorrow.
A few miles from where I planned to camp, a nice couple, Jordan and Sarah, asked if I was hiking across the park. I responded, “I started out the Grand Canyon 16 days ago,” and they offered me a beer. Jordan doesn’t do social media so we exchanged emails. They were incredibly curious about my adventures. They’d been van-lifing it before COVID and were now back out on a short trip to do some climbing.
Today filled my social needs after so much time alone. It was a great day!
Miles: 20.5