Day 93: Rainier National Park

The morning slowly morphed from a goal of leaving camp at 6:30 to leave by 9:30. We left at 9:45. The booking of my flight to Jakarta, Indonesia for my yoga training in September took a little longer than expected. I finished up around 7:20am and since the store we camped near opened up at 8am, the lure of coffee kept us hanging around until then. Then, of course, we wanted to enjoy the coffee in the mosquito free inside of a building which ultimately led to leaving 3 hours later than we had planned. Such is life. 

This section of trail was stunning with grand views of Mt Rainier and Mt Adams in the distance. We actually entered Rainer National Park today too, adding another National park to the hike. 

Sandman and I spent most of the day talking about random topics, which was a nice change of pace since we’d hiked mostly separate the last few days except when we chat during breaks or at camp. It made the miles fly by. I forgot a wasp stung me right about my right ankle yesterday afternoon until it started to throb today. A benedryl went a long to way to ease the throbbing.

We arrived at camp a little before 8pm having covered nearly 30 miles, but not before I slipped on mud and was coated in it. Thankfully there was one more creek for me to wash off in. 

Miles: 29.2

Total Miles: 2,422


Day 94: Sewed my Shoes


Day 92: Goat Rocks Wilderness is da G.O.A.T.